Wednesday, September 9, 2009

OMW Week 35, WW Week 25

Half a pound gained this week (or, should I say, this weekend?). I know it was all the rich food we ate at Mr. T's mom's house, so I have no one to blame but myself. Sigh.

I determined that I'm probably not being as careful about portion control as I used to be when I first started Weight Watchers. I'm back to literally measuring everything and if that doesn't work, I throw my hands up! Here I'll stay.

Still struggling with the assisted pull-ups, although they were easier today. The day that I can lift all of my own weight to do an unassisted pull-up will be a day for celebrating. Also a non-"girl" push-up. I tried to do one of those and collapsed at the bottom of it. Ah, well. Baby steps!

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