Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Review of You Suck: A Love Story

I was reading this book while in line for BART last week and the white-haired gentleman in line behind me said, "That's an interesting title for a book."

"Oh yes," I replied, "It's about vampires."

"Oh," he said, startled, "I didn't really get that from the title."

"Yeah, you missed the fangs on the front cover," I told him, and flipped the book over to show him. After that I was allowed to read in peace once more.

Anyway, I borrowed this one from one of my book club girls. The book club had previously read and enjoyed the author's book Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend, which was funny and terribly irreverent. I lent that to my dad and partway through he told me, "This book is actually funny!" so I counted it a huge success. My dad then sent me The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror, which is a Christmas story involving angels and zombies (two great tastes that taste great together, in my opinion).

You Suck is in the same vein, if you'll pardon the pun. Very funny, slapstick, over the top humor, and very light reading that goes quickly. This one is set in San Francisco (there have been a lot of those lately!) and features two newly-turned vampires. They've imprisoned the master vampire who made them, so they have to fumble around trying to figure out how to turn into mist and acquire minions (two teenage goths, who are hilarious) to do chores for them during daylight. Of course the master vampire escapes, and they have to face him, but because Christopher Moore's books are so light-hearted, everything works out for the best, and the main characters make out okay at the end.

My favorite characters were Chet, the enormous cat that belongs to a local homeless guy, who gets shaved and put into a sweater, and "Abby Normal," their first teenage minion, whose diary entries are scattered throughout the book.

This was perfect light summer reading and I recommend it. It's not highbrow literature, that's for sure, but whereas slapstick can grate on my nerves sometimes (I typically prefer more subtle and sarcastic humor), Moore just does it right.

1 comment:

Pica Maloria said...

His books are a lot of fun - I highly recommend another SF book of his - "A Dirty Job". I think that one is my fave of his that I've read so far. I also like that a lot of his books will have small nods at characters from his other books. Makes ya feel all clever if you catch them. ;)