Friday, September 25, 2009

OMW Week 37, WW Week 27

I either lost a pound or stayed the same, I couldn't really tell this week. I miss the digital scale. I might be forced to go out and spend money on one of my own!

Mr. T and I have been forced into a Tues-Fri workout schedule thanks to our busy weekends lately. It's not optimal--my body feels more tired and I don't think the workouts are as good. And then, Tuesday mornings are particularly hard after 3 days off. I guess I should be grateful we have time to work out at all! I was looking at my calendar to contemplate what I have to do the week before the wedding and realizing, "I am going to have family and friends in town starting Saturday 10/ the heck am I going to get to the gym?" I need to steal time somehow, even if it means getting up at an ungodly hour. I think the workouts will help stave off the, we need to do some preemptive work to get rid of the candy and cupcakes! ;-)

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